QApt 1.0.3 hotfix release

September 28, 2010

Hello all,

This is a quick announcement for the 1.0.3 release of the QApt package management framework.

Recently it was brought to my attention that when Synaptic was open, applications using the QApt Worker to commit changes (such as Muon) would silently fail, instead of showing the appropriate “another package manager is open” error.

This hotfix release fixes this issue, by checking for system lock status within the worker before trying to commit changes.

I’ll be making packages after afternoon class, but I think that this release is unexciting enough for most people to be able to wait for 3 hours. 😛 (Though, it does have more QApt Batch translations, thanks to the great kde-i18n team) 🙂

As Muon hasn’t had any changes at all since 1.0.2, I will not be making a 1.0.3 release at this time. If bugs turn up in 1.0.2 I’ll probably make a 1.0.3 release. Otherwise, the development focus is on QApt/Muon trunk, where neat things that I shall blog about soon are happening.

QApt/Muon 1.0.2 release

September 14, 2010

It’s around that time again! Time to do one last bugfix release of the Muon package manager and the library it is built upon, LibQApt. Muon is a powerful package manager for Debian-based systems, with a focus on having a sane UI. This time around, though, most of the improvements that were done were made to the underlying library, LibQApt.

Sources for QApt and Muon are available here and here, respectively. Packages are already available for the development version of Kubuntu 10.10, and packages for the existing 10.04 are being prepared, to be placed in the regular PPA when finished.

A new contributor has begun… contributing. 😛 Namely, Guillaume Martres, (known to the K/Ubuntu community by his IRC nick, smarter, an anagram of his last name) Most of the bugfixes in this release were provided by him, and he has done significant work in trunk for Muon 1.1. If he doesn’t blog about that soon then I will. 😉

QApt 1.0.2

Guillaume Martres

  • The libapt-pkg library required for building LibQApt now has a CMake check.
  • Introduce a NotFoundError to assist QApt Batch in reporting that a certain package requested for install doesn’t exist.
  • Give the QApt Batch dialog buttons proper focus for different operations.

Jonathan Thomas

  • Protect the worker against malformed /etc/apt/sources.list entries, so that the QApt worker does not crash when it encounters them.

Muon 1.0.2

Jonathan Thomas

  • Fix a small regression that popped up last release, where the purge button would show up for installed packages, even though there was already a purge action in the remove button’s submenu

Guillaume Martres

  • Fix a few more instances of accidentally-editable ListView entries in the Version tab and download widget.

Things are going quite well for trunk. I’ll probably blog about some of the recent developments in a bit. No time right now, though; with final freeze approaching for Kubuntu 10.10, I am starting to have more and more to do. (Especially since school is starting up) Expect a blog soon, however. (Unless smarter beats me to it. :P)