Muon Suite 1.2 Beta 2 released

I would have done this about a week ago, but I’ve just started a summer job and have been a bit busy with that. At any rate, version 1.1.85 (1.2 beta 2) of the Muon Suite is available for testing.

The Muon Package Management Suite is a collection of package management applications that make package management easy on Debian-based systems, whether or not you know what “package management” means. Packages for Kubuntu 11.04 “Natty Narwhal” are available in the QApt Experimental PPA.

The focus of this release has been fixing bugs reported against beta 1, but there are a few things that have prevented me from string freeze and such, so I am releasing this as a second beta  rather than a release candidate. (To make up, if things go well there may only need to be one RC)

On the front of Muon packages for Debian, things do seem to be moving. I’ve installed Debian in a VM and have done some testing to make things work OK. For the 1.1.85 release, the Muon Software Center has Debian branding in the form of an icon for the “Get Software” pane. There’s also an interested maintainer, who will look after the packaging. Currently the blocker seems to be the need for libdebconf-kde to be maintained/uploaded to Debian, but hopefully Debian packages of Muon will be available “soon”, in the Debian sense of the word.


The 1.1.85 release also brings various bugfixes, some of which will also be included in this month’s bugfix release for the 1.1 series of the Muon Suite. Detailed logs of what has changed since 1.1.65 can be found here and here, for LibQApt and Muon respectively.

12 Responses to Muon Suite 1.2 Beta 2 released

  1. JanKusanagi says:

    Looking great 😉
    Great job!

    It’s good to hear that Muon is on its way to Debian repositories 😀

  2. Steven says:

    Cant wait!
    I probably wont use it too much, but without a tool like this I can put my son onto Debian with KDE. He likes gnome2 but wont be going to gnome3, so when this tool is available he is going to jump ship (like me) and join the KDE goodness. Thanks for the good work.

  3. Victor says:

    Great. One opinion: the rating stars are too big and taking unnecessary attention.

  4. me says:

    suggestion – the left side has wasted space – put it on top, and the right at the bottom.

  5. Ami says:

    Muon is the first apt GUI that actually compels to move from command-line tools.
    Do you think there’s a place for a power-user interface to muon? I would really love a cmd like QLineEdit with tab completion to allow installing and removing packages.

  6. Guest says:

    The rating stars are OK, however the background page color has missing pixels interposed in it. I am not sure if this is a clever trick to attract the attention of people or not. My recommendation is to drop the missing pixel interposition and just use a solid color.

  7. buggy says:

    the package in your ppa has an builderror :s cant test it

  8. LibDebconf-KDE is now in Debian’s NEW queue, so it will be in Debian soon.
    I’m currently working with pkg-kde to get an updated version to Debian soon.

  9. Anon says:

    How to install Muon on Debian ?

    I’ve downloaded both QApt and Muon , extracted them .
    ( probably don’t know how to install ……)
    Then ran and got the error :
    “./ line 2: utils/qapt-batch/detailswidget.cpp: Permission denied”
    although i executed that as root……

  10. hoshi411 says:

    Any news on muon for Debian-KDE ?

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